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Source code in novae/data/
class AnnDataTorch:
    tensors: list[Tensor] | None
    genes_indices_list: list[Tensor]

    def __init__(self, adatas: list[AnnData], cell_embedder: CellEmbedder):
        """Converting AnnData objects to PyTorch tensors.

            adatas: A list of `AnnData` objects.
            cell_embedder: A [novae.module.CellEmbedder][] object.
        self.adatas = adatas
        self.cell_embedder = cell_embedder

        self.genes_indices_list = [self._adata_to_genes_indices(adata) for adata in self.adatas]
        self.tensors = None

        self.means, self.stds, self.label_encoder = self._compute_means_stds()

        # Tensors are loaded in memory for low numbers of cells
        if sum(adata.n_obs for adata in self.adatas) < Nums.N_OBS_THRESHOLD:
            self.tensors = [self.to_tensor(adata) for adata in self.adatas]

    def _adata_to_genes_indices(self, adata: AnnData) -> Tensor:
        return self.cell_embedder.genes_to_indices(adata.var_names[self._keep_var(adata)])[None, :]

    def _keep_var(self, adata: AnnData) -> AnnData:
        return adata.var[Keys.USE_GENE]

    def _compute_means_stds(self) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor, LabelEncoder]:
        means, stds = {}, {}

        for adata in self.adatas:
            slide_ids = adata.obs[Keys.SLIDE_ID]
            for slide_id in
                adata_slide = adata[adata.obs[Keys.SLIDE_ID] == slide_id, self._keep_var(adata)]

                mean = adata_slide.X.mean(0)
                mean = mean.A1 if isinstance(mean, np.matrix) else mean
                means[slide_id] = mean.astype(np.float32)

                std = adata_slide.X.std(0) if isinstance(adata_slide.X, np.ndarray) else sparse_std(adata_slide.X, 0).A1
                stds[slide_id] = std.astype(np.float32)

        label_encoder = LabelEncoder()

        means = [torch.tensor(means[slide_id]) for slide_id in label_encoder.classes_]
        stds = [torch.tensor(stds[slide_id]) for slide_id in label_encoder.classes_]

        return means, stds, label_encoder

    def to_tensor(self, adata: AnnData) -> Tensor:
        """Get the normalized gene expressions of the cells in the dataset.
        Only the genes of interest are kept (known genes and highly variable).

            adata: An `AnnData` object.

            A `Tensor` containing the normalized gene expresions.
        adata = adata[:, self._keep_var(adata)]

        if len(np.unique(adata.obs[Keys.SLIDE_ID])) == 1:
            slide_id_index = self.label_encoder.transform([adata.obs.iloc[0][Keys.SLIDE_ID]])[0]
            mean, std = self.means[slide_id_index], self.stds[slide_id_index]
            slide_id_indices = self.label_encoder.transform(adata.obs[Keys.SLIDE_ID])
            mean = torch.stack([self.means[i] for i in slide_id_indices])  # TODO: avoid stack (only if not fast enough)
            std = torch.stack([self.stds[i] for i in slide_id_indices])

        X = adata.X if isinstance(adata.X, np.ndarray) else adata.X.toarray()
        X = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.float32)
        X = (X - mean) / (std + Nums.EPS)

        return X

    def __getitem__(self, item: tuple[int, slice]) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
        """Get the expression values for a subset of cells (corresponding to a subgraph).

            item: A `tuple` containing the index of the `AnnData` object and the indices of the cells in the neighborhoods.

            A `Tensor` of normalized gene expressions and a `Tensor` of gene indices.
        adata_index, obs_indices = item

        if self.tensors is not None:
            return self.tensors[adata_index][obs_indices], self.genes_indices_list[adata_index]

        adata = self.adatas[adata_index]
        adata_view = adata[obs_indices]

        return self.to_tensor(adata_view), self.genes_indices_list[adata_index]


Get the expression values for a subset of cells (corresponding to a subgraph).


Name Type Description Default
item tuple[int, slice]

A tuple containing the index of the AnnData object and the indices of the cells in the neighborhoods.



Type Description
tuple[Tensor, Tensor]

A Tensor of normalized gene expressions and a Tensor of gene indices.

Source code in novae/data/
def __getitem__(self, item: tuple[int, slice]) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
    """Get the expression values for a subset of cells (corresponding to a subgraph).

        item: A `tuple` containing the index of the `AnnData` object and the indices of the cells in the neighborhoods.

        A `Tensor` of normalized gene expressions and a `Tensor` of gene indices.
    adata_index, obs_indices = item

    if self.tensors is not None:
        return self.tensors[adata_index][obs_indices], self.genes_indices_list[adata_index]

    adata = self.adatas[adata_index]
    adata_view = adata[obs_indices]

    return self.to_tensor(adata_view), self.genes_indices_list[adata_index]

__init__(adatas, cell_embedder)

Converting AnnData objects to PyTorch tensors.


Name Type Description Default
adatas list[AnnData]

A list of AnnData objects.

cell_embedder CellEmbedder required
Source code in novae/data/
def __init__(self, adatas: list[AnnData], cell_embedder: CellEmbedder):
    """Converting AnnData objects to PyTorch tensors.

        adatas: A list of `AnnData` objects.
        cell_embedder: A [novae.module.CellEmbedder][] object.
    self.adatas = adatas
    self.cell_embedder = cell_embedder

    self.genes_indices_list = [self._adata_to_genes_indices(adata) for adata in self.adatas]
    self.tensors = None

    self.means, self.stds, self.label_encoder = self._compute_means_stds()

    # Tensors are loaded in memory for low numbers of cells
    if sum(adata.n_obs for adata in self.adatas) < Nums.N_OBS_THRESHOLD:
        self.tensors = [self.to_tensor(adata) for adata in self.adatas]


Get the normalized gene expressions of the cells in the dataset. Only the genes of interest are kept (known genes and highly variable).


Name Type Description Default
adata AnnData

An AnnData object.



Type Description

A Tensor containing the normalized gene expresions.

Source code in novae/data/
def to_tensor(self, adata: AnnData) -> Tensor:
    """Get the normalized gene expressions of the cells in the dataset.
    Only the genes of interest are kept (known genes and highly variable).

        adata: An `AnnData` object.

        A `Tensor` containing the normalized gene expresions.
    adata = adata[:, self._keep_var(adata)]

    if len(np.unique(adata.obs[Keys.SLIDE_ID])) == 1:
        slide_id_index = self.label_encoder.transform([adata.obs.iloc[0][Keys.SLIDE_ID]])[0]
        mean, std = self.means[slide_id_index], self.stds[slide_id_index]
        slide_id_indices = self.label_encoder.transform(adata.obs[Keys.SLIDE_ID])
        mean = torch.stack([self.means[i] for i in slide_id_indices])  # TODO: avoid stack (only if not fast enough)
        std = torch.stack([self.stds[i] for i in slide_id_indices])

    X = adata.X if isinstance(adata.X, np.ndarray) else adata.X.toarray()
    X = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.float32)
    X = (X - mean) / (std + Nums.EPS)

    return X