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Frequently asked questions

How to use the GPU?

Using a GPU may significantly speed up Novae's training or inference.

If you have a valid GPU for PyTorch, you can set the accelerator argument (e.g., one of ["cpu", "gpu", "tpu", "hpu", "mps", "auto"]) in the following methods:, model.fine_tune(), model.compute_representations().

When using a GPU, we also highly recommend setting multiple workers to speed up the dataset __getitem__. For that, you'll need to set the num_workers argument in the previous methods, according to the number of CPUs available (num_workers=8 is usually a good value).

For more details, refer to the API of the PyTorch Lightning Trainer and to the API of the PyTorch DataLoader.

How to load a pretrained model?

We highly recommend loading a pre-trained Novae model instead of re-training from scratch. For that, choose an available Novae model name on our HuggingFace collection, and provide this name to the model.save_pretrained() method:

from novae import Novae

model = Novae.from_pretrained("MICS-Lab/novae-human-0") # or any valid model name

How to avoid overcorrecting?

By default, Novae corrects the batch-effect to get shared spatial domains across slides. The batch information is used only during training (fit or fine_tune), which should prevent Novae from overcorrecting in zero_shot mode.

If not using the zero_shot mode, you can provide the min_prototypes_ratio parameter to control batch effect correction: either (i) in the fine_tune method itself, or (ii) during the model initialization (if retraining a model from scratch).

For instance, if min_prototypes_ratio=0.5, Novae expects each slide to contain at least 50% of the prototypes (each prototype can be interpreted as an "elementary spatial domain"). Therefore, the lower min_prototypes_ratio, the lower the batch-effect correction. Conversely, if min_prototypes_ratio=1, all prototypes are expected to be found in all slides (this doesn't mean the proportions will be the same overall slides, though).

How do I save my own model?

If you have trained or fine-tuned your own Novae model, you can save it for later use. For that, use the model.save_pretrained() method as below:


Then, you can load this model back via the model.from_pretrained() method:

from novae import Novae

model = Novae.from_pretrained("./my-model-directory")

How to turn lazy loading on or off?

By default, lazy loading is used only on large datasets. To enforce a specific behavior, you can do the following:

# never use lazy loading

# always use lazy loading

# use lazy loading only for AnnData objects with 1M+ cells

How to update the logging level?

The logging level can be updated as below:

import logging
from novae import log

log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # or any other level, e.g. logging.DEBUG

How to disable auto-preprocessing

By default, Novae automatically run data preprocessing for you. If you don't want that, you can run the line below.

novae.settings.auto_preprocessing = False

How to contribute?

If you want to contribute, check our contributing guide.

How to resolve any other issue?

If you have any bugs/questions/suggestions, don't hesitate to open a new issue.