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This repository eases the creation of a new Python package. Using cookiecutter, it will copy the project template and personalize it according to the answers to a few questions (e.g. the project name) so that you can get started quickly.


  • Easy dependency management with Poetry.
  • Pretty documentation with Mkdocs material.
  • Package installable on any local environment (package structure).
  • Deployment on PyPI in a few seconds, if needed.
  • Tests with pytest.
  • Formatting with black.
  • Standardized project organization (data folder, config folder, ...).

Project structure

Once created, your package structure will look like that:

|-- config             # folder containing your config files
|-- data               # folder containing your data files
|-- docs               # your documentation
|   |--
|   `-- ...
|-- mkdocs.yml         # documentation config
|-- poetry.lock        # poetry-related file (do not update)
|-- <your-module-name> # folder containing your code
|   |--
|   `-- ...
|-- pyproject.toml     # project dependency settings and config
|--           # setup file to enable installation with pip
`-- tests              # folder to write your package tests