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Deploy on PyPI

Publishing on PyPI is very easy with Poetry. If needed, everything is detailed here in their documentation.


Before publishing a new version of your package, we advise you to ensure all your tests run properly.

Configure your PyPI account

This step has to be done only once.

  • Create an account on PyPI.
  • Configure your PyPI credentials as written here.

(Optional) Setting a new version and release

  • Update the version attribute under the [tool.poetry] group of your pyproject.toml file to set a new version, e.g. version = "1.3.2"
  • Create a new tag associated with this version on GitHub (for the tag name, we advise adding a v before the version):
    git tag <tagname> # create a tag, e.g. v1.3.2
    git push origin <tagname> # push a tag to remote
  • On the GitHub interface, go to the "Release" section of your repository and "Draft a new release" (choose the tag defined above).

Publish on PyPI


If you already published on PyPI: you should make a new version, i.e. at least change the version in your pyproject.toml file, as written above.

poetry publish --build