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Configuration and monitoring

If needed, you can use Hydra to manage your configuration. It allows to run the scripts or run hyperparameter optimization easily. You can also monitor your jobs with Weight & Biases

For that, clone the repository and install of the project in development mode (see Getting Started) to install the hydra extras. Then, you have to follow the step listed below.

Create a new project configuration

Create a new project at config/project/<your-project-name>.yaml, where <your-project-name> is the one you used to create your dataset. In this file, add name: <your-project-name>.

Add optionally:

  • version or table if you don't want to use your dataset's default table or anndata files.
  • batch_key (and eventually batch_ref) if you want to correct the batch effect.
  • You can add some continuous_covariates and categorical_covariates (as a list of items).
  • wandb_project_name, the name of your Weight and Biases project for model monitoring. It will log all the metrics over the epochs and save different figures online.

Other configuration

Update config/config.yaml for some basic configuration. The most important config variables are:

  • n_run: the number of runs per trial (we advise choosing at least 5 to smooth the results at each trial).
  • save_predictions can be set to True to save scyan predictions at each run. They will be saved in the log directory created by Hydra.
  • wandb.mode = online if you want to use Weight and Biases.


Every config parameter can be updated directly via the command line (see Hydra docs). Thus, you don't have to change the parameters in the config files directly for every run.

(Optional) Hyperparameter optimization configuration

Update config/sweeper/optuna.yaml to select the parameters you want to optimize and their ranges. In particular, choose the number of trials you desire or update it via the command line.


Now that you have configured your project, you can run the scripts (see running scripts) by providing the argument project=<your-project-name>.