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Loading/adding datasets

Show existing datasets and their different versions/table names.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name Optional[str]

Optional dataset name. If provided, only display the version names of the provided dataset_name, otherwise list all existing datasets.

Source code in scyan/data/
def _list(dataset_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
    """Show existing datasets and their different versions/table names.

        dataset_name: Optional dataset name. If provided, only display the version names of the provided `dataset_name`, otherwise list all existing datasets.
    data_path = get_data_path()

    if dataset_name is not None:
        dataset_path = data_path / dataset_name"Listing versions inside {dataset_path}:")
        return"List of existing datasets inside {data_path}:")
    dataset_paths = set(data_path.iterdir())

    for public_dataset in ["poised", "aml", "bmmc", "debarcoding"]:
        dataset_path = Path(data_path / public_dataset)
        dataset_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    for dataset_path in dataset_paths:
        if dataset_path.is_dir():
            list_path(dataset_path), version='default', table='default', reducer=None)

Load a dataset, i.e. its AnnData object and its knowledge table. Public datasets available are "poised", "aml", "bmmc", and "debarcoding"; note that, if the dataset was not loaded yet, it is automatically downloaded (requires internet connection). Existing dataset names and versions/tables can be listed using


If you want to load your own dataset, you first have to create it.


The data is saved by default inside <home_path>/.scyan_data. Optionally, if scyan repository was cloned, you can create <scyan_repository_path>/data and use it instead of the default data folder.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Name of the dataset. Either one of your dataset, or one public dataset among "poised", "aml", "bmmc", and "debarcoding".

version Optional[str]

Name of the anndata file (.h5ad) that should be loaded. The available versions can be listed with If None, don't return an adata object.

table Optional[str]

Name of the knowledge table that should be loaded. If None, don't return the table dataframe.

reducer Optional[str]

Name of the umap reducer that should be loaded. If None, don't return the UMAP reducer.



Type Description
Tuple[AnnData, DataFrame]

Tuple containing the requested data, i.e. by default a tuple (adata, table) is returned (the adata instance and the knowledge table). But, for instance, if version is None and reducer is provided, then it returns a tuple (table, reducer).

Source code in scyan/data/
def load(
    dataset_name: str,
    version: Optional[str] = "default",
    table: Optional[str] = "default",
    reducer: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[AnnData, pd.DataFrame]:
    """Load a dataset, i.e. its `AnnData` object and its knowledge table. Public datasets available are `"poised"`, `"aml"`, `"bmmc"`, and `"debarcoding"`; note that, if the dataset was not loaded yet, it is automatically downloaded (requires internet connection). Existing dataset names and versions/tables can be listed using [][].

    !!! note
        If you want to load your own dataset, you first have to [create it](../../advanced/data).
    !!! note
        The data is saved by default inside `<home_path>/.scyan_data`. Optionally, if `scyan` repository was cloned, you can create `<scyan_repository_path>/data` and use it instead of the default data folder.

        dataset_name: Name of the dataset. Either one of your dataset, or one public dataset among `"poised"`, `"aml"`, `"bmmc"`, and `"debarcoding"`.
        version: Name of the `anndata` file (.h5ad) that should be loaded. The available versions can be listed with ``. If `None`, don't return an `adata` object.
        table: Name of the knowledge table that should be loaded. If `None`, don't return the `table` dataframe.
        reducer: Name of the umap reducer that should be loaded. If `None`, don't return the `UMAP` reducer.

        Tuple containing the requested data, i.e. by default a tuple `(adata, table)` is returned (the adata instance and the knowledge table). But, for instance, if `version is None` and `reducer` is provided, then it returns a tuple `(table, reducer)`.
    assert any(
        arg is not None for arg in [version, table, reducer]
    ), "Provide at least one argument that is not `None` among 'version', 'table', and 'reducer'."

    data_path = get_data_path()

    dataset_path = data_path / dataset_name
    dataset_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    return tuple(
        get_local_file(dataset_path, dataset_name, arg, ext)
        for arg, ext in [(version, "h5ad"), (table, "csv"), (reducer, "umap")]
        if arg is not None
    ), *objects, filename='default', overwrite=False)

Add an object to a dataset (or create it if not existing). Objects can be AnnData objects, a knowledge-table (i.e. a pd.DataFrame), or a UMAP reducer. The provided filenames are the one you use when loading data with


You will be able to load this dataset with as long as you added at least a knowledge-table and a adata object.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Name of the dataset in which the object will be saved.

*objects List[Union[AnnData, DataFrame, UMAP]]

Object(s) to save.

filename Union[str, List[str]]

Name(s) without extension of the file(s) to create. The default value ("default") is the filename loaded by default with If a list is provided, it should have the length of the number of objects provided and should have the same order. If a string, then use the same name for all objects (but different extensions).

overwrite bool

If True, it will overwrite files that already exist.



Type Description

If the object type is not one of the three required.

Source code in scyan/data/
def add(
    dataset_name: str,
    *objects: List[Union[AnnData, pd.DataFrame, umap.UMAP]],
    filename: Union[str, List[str]] = "default",
    overwrite: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Add an object to a dataset (or create it if not existing). Objects can be `AnnData` objects, a knowledge-table (i.e. a `pd.DataFrame`), or a `UMAP` reducer. The provided filenames are the one you use when loading data with [][].

    !!! note
        You will be able to load this dataset with [][] as long as you added at least a knowledge-table and a `adata` object.

        dataset_name: Name of the dataset in which the object will be saved.
        *objects: Object(s) to save.
        filename: Name(s) without extension of the file(s) to create. The default value (`"default"`) is the filename loaded by default with ``. If a list is provided, it should have the length of the number of objects provided and should have the same order. If a string, then use the same name for all objects (but different extensions).
        overwrite: If `True`, it will overwrite files that already exist.

        ValueError: If the object type is not one of the three required.
    data_path = get_data_path()

    dataset_path = data_path / dataset_name
    if not dataset_path.is_dir():"Creating new dataset folder at {dataset_path}")

    filenames = [filename] * len(objects) if isinstance(filename, str) else filename

    for obj, filename in zip(objects, filenames):
        if isinstance(obj, AnnData):
            path = dataset_path / f"{filename}.h5ad"
            _check_can_write(path, overwrite)
        elif isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame):
            path = dataset_path / f"{filename}.csv"
            _check_can_write(path, overwrite)
        elif isinstance(obj, umap.UMAP):
            path = dataset_path / f"{filename}.umap"
            _check_can_write(path, overwrite)
            import joblib

            joblib.dump(obj, path)
            raise ValueError(
                f"Can't save object of type {type(obj)}. It must be an AnnData object, a DataFrame or a UMAP."
            )"Created file {path}"), version=None, table=None, reducer=None)

Remove file(s) from a dataset folder.


Name Type Description Default
dataset_name str

Name of the dataset. Use to see the possible values.

version Optional[str]

Name of the .h5ad file to remove (don't provide the extension).

table Optional[str]

Name of the .csv file to remove (don't provide the extension).

reducer Optional[str]

Name of the .umap file to remove (don't provide the extension).

Source code in scyan/data/
def remove(
    dataset_name: str,
    version: Optional[str] = None,
    table: Optional[str] = None,
    reducer: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    """Remove file(s) from a dataset folder.

        dataset_name: Name of the dataset. Use `` to see the possible values.
        version: Name of the `.h5ad` file to remove (don't provide the extension).
        table: Name of the `.csv` file to remove (don't provide the extension).
        reducer: Name of the `.umap` file to remove (don't provide the extension).
    data_path = get_data_path()
    dataset_path = data_path / dataset_name

    for arg, ext in [(version, "h5ad"), (table, "csv"), (reducer, "umap")]:
        if arg is not None:
            filepath = dataset_path / f"{arg}.{ext}"
  "Successfully removed {filepath}")