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scyan.preprocess.auto_logicle_transform(adata, q=0.05, m=4.5, quantile_clip=1e-05)

Auto-logicle transformation implementation. We recommend it for flow cytometry or spectral flow cytometry data.


Name Type Description Default
adata AnnData

An AnnData object.

q float

See logicle article. Defaults to 0.05.

m float

See logicle article. Defaults to 4.5.

Source code in scyan/
def auto_logicle_transform(
    adata: AnnData, q: float = 0.05, m: float = 4.5, quantile_clip: Optional[float] = 1e-5
) -> None:
    """[Auto-logicle transformation]( implementation.
    We recommend it for flow cytometry or spectral flow cytometry data.

        adata: An `AnnData` object.
        q: See logicle article. Defaults to 0.05.
        m: See logicle article. Defaults to 4.5.
    adata.uns["scyan_logicle"] = {}
    markers_failed = []

    for marker in adata.var_names:
        column = adata[:, marker].X.toarray().flatten()

        w = 0
        t = column.max()
        negative_values = column[column < 0]

        if negative_values.size:
            threshold = np.quantile(negative_values, 0.25) - 1.5 * scipy.stats.iqr(
            negative_values = negative_values[negative_values >= threshold]

            if negative_values.size:
                r = 1e-8 + np.quantile(negative_values, q)
                if 10**m * abs(r) > t:
                    w = (m - np.log10(t / abs(r))) / 2

        if not w or w > 2:
            w, t = 1, 5e5

        column = flowutils.transforms.logicle(column, None, t=t, m=m, w=w)
        adata.uns["scyan_logicle"][marker] = [t, m, w]

        if quantile_clip is None:
            adata[:, marker] = column
            adata[:, marker] = column.clip(np.quantile(column, quantile_clip))

    if markers_failed:
            f"Auto logicle transformation failed for the following markers (logicle was used instead): {', '.join(markers_failed)}.\nIt can happen when expressions are all positive or all negative."

scyan.preprocess.asinh_transform(adata, translation=0, cofactor=5)

Asinh transformation for cell-expressions: \(asinh((x - translation)/cofactor)\).


Name Type Description Default
adata AnnData

An AnnData object.

translation float

Constant substracted to the marker expression before division by the cofactor.

cofactor float

Scaling factor before computing the asinh.

Source code in scyan/
def asinh_transform(adata: AnnData, translation: float = 0, cofactor: float = 5) -> None:
    """Asinh transformation for cell-expressions: $asinh((x - translation)/cofactor)$.

        adata: An `AnnData` object.
        translation: Constant substracted to the marker expression before division by the cofactor.
        cofactor: Scaling factor before computing the asinh.
    adata.uns["scyan_asinh"] = [translation, cofactor]
    adata.X = np.arcsinh((adata.X - translation) / cofactor)

scyan.preprocess.inverse_transform(adata, obsm=None, obsm_names=None, transformation=None)

Inverses the transformation function, i.e. either scyan.preprocess.auto_logicle_transform or scyan.preprocess.asinh_transform. It requires to have run have of these before.


If you scaled your data, the complete inverse consists in running scyan.preprocess.unscale first, and then this function.


Name Type Description Default
adata AnnData

An AnnData object.

obsm Optional[str]

Name of the anndata obsm to consider. If None, use adata.X.

obsm_names Optional[List[str]]

Names of the ordered markers from obsm. It is required if obsm is not None, if there are less markers than in adata.X, and if the transformation to reverse is logicle. Usually, it corresponds to model.var_names.

transformation Optional[str]

Name of the transformation to inverse: one of ['logicle', 'asinh', None]. By default, it chooses automatically depending on which transformation was previously run.



Type Description

Inverse transformed expressions array of shape \((N, M)\).

Source code in scyan/
def inverse_transform(
    adata: AnnData,
    obsm: Optional[str] = None,
    obsm_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    transformation: Optional[str] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Inverses the transformation function, i.e. either [scyan.preprocess.auto_logicle_transform][] or [scyan.preprocess.asinh_transform][]. It requires to have run have of these before.

    !!! note
        If you scaled your data, the complete inverse consists in running [scyan.preprocess.unscale][] first, and then this function.

        adata: An `AnnData` object.
        obsm: Name of the anndata obsm to consider. If `None`, use `adata.X`.
        obsm_names: Names of the ordered markers from obsm. It is required if obsm is not `None`, if there are less markers than in `adata.X`, and if the transformation to reverse is `logicle`. Usually, it corresponds to `model.var_names`.
        transformation: Name of the transformation to inverse: one of `['logicle', 'asinh', None]`. By default, it chooses automatically depending on which transformation was previously run.

        Inverse transformed expressions array of shape $(N, M)$.
    if transformation is None:
        transformation = "asinh" if "scyan_asinh" in adata.uns else None
        transformation = "logicle" if "scyan_logicle" in adata.uns else transformation
        if transformation is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "No transformation to inverse: you need to run 'asinh_transform' or 'auto_logicle_transform' before to inverse it."

    if transformation == "logicle":"Performing inverse logicle transform")
        assert (
            "scyan_logicle" in adata.uns
        ), "You need to run 'auto_logicle_transform' before to inverse it."

        if obsm is None:
            obsm_names = adata.var_names
        elif obsm_names is None:
            assert (
                adata.obsm[obsm].shape[1] != adata.n_vars
            ), f"When the number of var in adata.obsm['{obsm}'] is not `adata.n_vars`, use `obs_names`"
            obsm_names = adata.var_names

        return np.stack(
            [_logicle_inverse_one(adata, obsm, marker) for marker in obsm_names],

    if transformation == "asinh":"Performing inverse asinh transform")
        assert (
            "scyan_asinh" in adata.uns
        ), "You need to run 'asinh_transform' before to inverse it."

        X = adata.X if obsm is None else adata.obsm[obsm]
        translation, cofactor = adata.uns["scyan_asinh"]

        return np.sinh(X) * cofactor + translation

    raise NameError(
        f"Parameter 'transformation' has to be 'logicle' or 'asinh'. Found {transformation}."

scyan.preprocess.scale(adata, max_value=10, center=None)

Tranforms the data such as (i) std=1, and (ii) either 0 is sent to -1 (for CyTOF data) or means=0 (for flow or spectral flow data); except if center is set (which overwrites the default behavior).


Name Type Description Default
adata AnnData

An AnnData object.

max_value float

Clip to this value after scaling.

center Optional[bool]

If None, data is only centered for spectral or flow cytometry data (recommended), else, it is centered or not according to the value given.

Source code in scyan/
def scale(adata: AnnData, max_value: float = 10, center: Optional[bool] = None) -> None:
    """Tranforms the data such as (i) `std=1`, and (ii) either `0` is sent to `-1` (for CyTOF data) or `means=0` (for flow or spectral flow data); except if `center` is set (which overwrites the default behavior).

        adata: An `AnnData` object.
        max_value: Clip to this value after scaling.
        center: If `None`, data is only centered for spectral or flow cytometry data (recommended), else, it is centered or not according to the value given.
    stds = adata.X.std(axis=0)
    adata.uns["scyan_scaling_stds"] = stds

    if (center is False) or (center is None and "scyan_asinh" in adata.uns):
            "Data will be standardised, and translated so that 0 goes to -1. This is advised only when using CyTOF data (if this is not your case, consider running 'auto_logicle_transform' instead of 'asinh_transform')."
        adata.X = (adata.X / stds - 1).clip(-max_value, max_value)
            "Data will be centered and standardised. This is advised only when using spectral/flow data (if this is not your case, consider running 'asinh_transform' instead of 'auto_logicle_transform')."
        means = adata.X.mean(axis=0)
        adata.X = ((adata.X - means) / stds).clip(-max_value, max_value)
        adata.uns["scyan_scaling_means"] = means

scyan.preprocess.unscale(adata, obsm=None, obsm_names=None)

Reverse standardisation. It requires to have run scyan.preprocess.scale before.


Name Type Description Default
adata AnnData

An AnnData object.

obsm Optional[str]

Name of the adata obsm to consider. If None, use adata.X.

obsm_names Optional[List[str]]

Names of the ordered markers from obsm. It is required if obsm is not None, and if there are less markers than in adata.X. Usually, it corresponds to model.var_names.



Type Description

Unscaled numpy array of shape \((N, M)\).

Source code in scyan/
def unscale(
    adata: AnnData, obsm: Optional[str] = None, obsm_names: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Reverse standardisation. It requires to have run [scyan.preprocess.scale][] before.

        adata: An `AnnData` object.
        obsm: Name of the adata obsm to consider. If `None`, use `adata.X`.
        obsm_names: Names of the ordered markers from obsm. It is required if obsm is not `None`, and if there are less markers than in `adata.X`. Usually, it corresponds to `model.var_names`.

        Unscaled numpy array of shape $(N, M)$.
    assert (
        "scyan_scaling_stds" in adata.uns
    ), "It seems you haven't run 'scyan.preprocess.scale' before."

    X = adata.X if obsm is None else adata.obsm[obsm]
    stds = adata.uns["scyan_scaling_stds"]

    if obsm is not None and X.shape[1] != adata.n_vars:
        assert (
            obsm_names is not None
        ), f"Found {X.shape[1]} markers in adata.obsm['{obsm}'], but 'adata' has {adata.n_vars} vars. Please use the 'obsm_names' argument to provide the ordered names of the markers used in adata.obsm['{obsm}']."

        indices = [adata.var_names.get_loc(marker) for marker in obsm_names]
        stds = stds[indices]

    if "scyan_scaling_means" in adata.uns:
        return adata.uns["scyan_scaling_means"] + stds * X

    return (X + 1) * stds

scyan.preprocess.compensate(adata, key_added=None)

Use the spillover matrix in adata.varp["spillover_matrix"] to correct spillover from adata.X


Name Type Description Default
adata AnnData

An AnnData object

key_added Optional[str]

Optional key in adata.layers information is saved to. By default, saved in adata.X

Source code in scyan/
def compensate(adata: AnnData, key_added: Optional[str] = None):
    """Use the spillover matrix in `adata.varp["spillover_matrix"]` to correct spillover from `adata.X`

        adata: An `AnnData` object
        key_added: Optional key in `adata.layers` information is saved to. By default, saved in `adata.X`
    assert "spillover_matrix" in adata.varp, f"No 'spillover_matrix' found in adata.varp"

    if any(
        name in adata.uns
        for name in ["scyan_asinh", "scyan_logicle", "scyan_scaling_means"]
        log.warn("It is recommended to apply spillover only on raw data (unprocessed)")

    S = adata.varp["spillover_matrix"]
    corrected = np.linalg.solve(S, adata.X.T).T

    if key_added is None:
        adata.X = corrected
        adata.layers[key_added] = corrected